About The Tasting Room
Everybody likes to ask me why I started brewing my own beer and the answer is pretty simple: someone gave me a homebrew kit as a gift twice and I messed them both up. Anyone who knows me would know that only served to light a fire in me to figure out what went wrong and how to do it even better. After a few books and reading everything I could find on the internet my third batch(a chocolate stout) came out exactly as it was supposed. I also learned that I could make pretty good beer for myself that was on par with the craft beer in the store that I couldn’t afford on my fresh out of college pay and I even had enough to share with some friends.
Since then I’ve been creating my own recipes and drawing on my passion for cooking to help me create unique beers like a pecan pie or a margarita gose. Most importantly what I’ve learned through this process is to relax and have some patience because while a new beer recipe doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to taste sometimes the end result is better than what you expected.
What started as a hobby and a way to enjoy a higher quality of beer has now turned into a brewery of my own which I honestly never expected would become my current reality.
Keeping with the original reason for brewing, I want everyone who comes to my brewery to feel like they’re coming to taste my latest concoction and there will constantly be new recipes in testing on tap. Our name is a simple one South 40 Brewing Co. in honor of the original name of the single road leading on and off my family’s favorite vacation spot Long Beach Island where you can be sure to find one of us almost every weekend. Our doors will be open as long as there is beer on tap to serve, but don’t be afraid to stop in when you see the door open to have a look at what we’re cooking up.