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A Hidden Historic Jersey Gem That Needs To Be Restored

Updated: Nov 23, 2019

Located in Harding Twp, NJ is Glen Alpin. This 9 1/2 - acre plot of land is now public space but was at one point owned by Peter Kemble. For those who don't know Peter Kemble, he was a longtime member and once president of the royal council governing the English colony of New Jersey. His name may sound familiar if you drive down Kemble Road in Morristown, where this piece of property is located.

Glen Alpin - Historic Home in New Jersey
@brianlangphotography - Instagram

Over the last 300 years, the home and property had been passed through many hands. On the property sits a Gothic Revival Stone House. This home was built is 1847 by the owner of the time Henry Hoyt. In 1885 the property was sold to David Hunter McAlpin who renamed the home from Kemble to Glen Aplin.

Glen Alpin - Historic Home in New Jersey
@brianlangphotography - Instagram

Almost a century later in 1940, the property was passed along again this time to a princess. Doris Mercer Harden Kresge became Princess Farid-es-Sultaneh in Paris in 1933 after marrying a prince of the Qajar dynasty. When Hitler prepared to attack France she sailed to the United States bringing along the princess son. She bought Glen Alpin and lived in the home until her death in 1963.

Glen Alpin - Historic Home in New Jersey
@brianlangphotography - Instagram

Ryan Jones NJ Realtor

Following her death, the home was passed through the hands of two more owners before the Township of Harding Purchased the home and property in 2004 to maintain the property as open space, protect the watershed and preserve the historic site. The Glen Alpin Conversary is working to one day open the home as a public space available for a variety of events. If you'd like to see it get to that point please consider making a donation! Every little bit helps! You can donate HERE

***Unfortunately, the house is not open to the public except by appointment only. Walking can be hazardous due to deteriorating steps and damage from recent storms***

Thank you @brianlangphotography for letting us use your photos!



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